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SCI 收录

1. Hu Zhang, Suiqiao Yang, Huijun Jin, Mengxin Liu. Measurement of excess pore-water pressure in frozen soil at subfreezing temperatures close to 0° C. Geofluids, 2022, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/8990214

2. Tianyuan Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Hu Zhang*, Qi Zhang, Shuo Wan. Measurement of tangential frost heaving stress for steel pile in clay silt. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2022, 103541. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2022.103541

3. Honglei Wang, Hu Zhang*, Mingtang Chai, Jianming Zhang, Zhizhong Sun, Guoyu Li. Analysis of necessity and feasibility for ground improvement in warm and ice-rich permafrost regions. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2022, 7652371. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/7652371.

4. Mingtang Chai, Jianming Zhang, Hu Zhang*, Zhenhua Yin. Characteristics of micro-structure of warm and ice-rich frozen soil improved by cement and additives. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2021, 25, 3691–3700.

5. Hu Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Ze Zhang, Mingyi Zhang, Wei Cao. Variation behavior of pore-water pressure in warm frozen soil under load and its relation to deformation. Acta Geotechnica. 2020, 15(3): 603-614.

6. Hu Zhang, Ze Zhang, Enliang Wang, Jianming Zhang, Guike Zhang, Pan Yue. Effect of anti-seepage measures for maintaining thermal stability under flood dike in permafrost region. Computers and Geotechnics. 2020, 119: 103298. Doi: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2019.103298.

7. Hu Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Zhilong Zhang, Mingtang Chai. Measuring the long-term deformation of in-situ ice-rich permafrost using a plate loading test. Measurement. 2020, 149: 107030. Doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.107030.

8. Hu Zhang, Ze Zhang, Kun Zhang, Donghui Xiao, Lianhai Zhang. Effects of freeze-thaw on the water-heat process in a loess subgrade over a cut-fill transition zone by laboratory investigation. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2019, 164: 102789. Doi: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2019.102789.

9. Hu Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Keqiang Zhang, Bo Zheng. Long-term plate load tests in permafrost region on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2017, 143: 105–111.

10.Hu Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Enliang Wang, Mingyi Zhang, Zhilong Zhang, Mingtang Chai. Analysis of thermal regime under riverbank in permafrost region. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017, 123: 963-972.  

11.Hu Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Enliang Wang, Ze Zhang, Wei Cao, Panfeng Zhou. Thermal and settlement analyses under a riverbank over permafrost. Computers and Geotechnics. 2017, 91: 48-57.

12.Hu Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Zhilong Zhang, Ji Chen, Yanhui You. A consolidation model for estimating the settlement of warm permafrost. Computers and Geotechnics. 2016, 76: 43-50.

13.Hu Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Zhilong Zhang, Mingtang Chai. Investigation of the pore-water pressure of saturated warm frozen soils under a constant load. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 2016, 138(6). 062001-1-062001-6.

14.Hu Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Kai Su, Shiwei Liu. In-situ pressuremeter test in warm and ice-rich permafrost. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2012, 83-84:115-121.

15.Zhenhua Yin, Hu Zhang*, Jianming Zhang, Honglei Wang. Mechanical behavior of frozen soil improved with sulphoaluminate cement and its microscopic mechanism. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 16297. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-73148-3.

16.Zhilong Zhang, Hu Zhang*,Jianming Zhang, Mingtang Chai. Effectiveness of Ionic Polymer Soil Stabilizers on Warm Frozen Soil. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 23(7): 2867-2876.

17.Mingtang Chai, Jianming Zhang, Hu Zhang*, Yanhu Mu, Gaochen Sun, Zhenhua Yin. A method for calculating unfrozen water content of silty clay with consideration of freezing point. Applied Clay Science, 2018, 161:474-481.

18.Mingtang Chai, Hu Zhang*, Jianming Zhang, Zhilong Zhang. Effect of cement additives on unconfined compressive strength of warm and ice-rich frozen soil. Construction and Building Materials. 2017, 149: 861–868.

EI 收录

19.尹振华, 张建明, 张虎*, 王宏磊. 水泥改良冻土过程水分转化规律及对强度的影响. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2020: 1-13.

20.张虎, 张建明, 张致龙, 柴明堂. 冻结状态青藏粉质黏土的渗透系数测量研究. 岩土工程学报. 2016, 38(6): 1030-1035.



22.尹振华, 张建明, 张虎*, 王宏磊. 融化压缩下水泥改良冻土的微观孔隙特征演变. 水文地质工程地质. 2021, 48(2): 97-105.

23.杨岁桥, 王宁宁, 张虎. 高温冻土的蠕变特性试验及蠕变模型研究. 冰川冻土, 2020, 42(3):834-842.

24.代昌宏, 杨岁桥, 周仲华, 张虎. 循环荷载下高温冻土孔隙水压力变化特性. 冰川冻土, 2020. (已录用)

25.张致龙, 张建明, 张虎, 柴明堂.离子类土壤固化剂对高温冻土工程性质改良试验研究.冰川冻土, 2019, 41(1) : 140-146.

26.王宁宁, 张虎*, 张建明, 赵忠虎, 周攀峰. 不同温度及排水条件下高温冻土孔隙水压力试验研究. 冰川冻土, 2018, 40(6): 1167-1172.

27.Hu Zhang, Jianming Zhang, Zhilong Zhang, Mingtang Chai. Deformation behavior of in situ permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 2017, 9(2): 1–8.

28.张虎, 张建明, 苏凯, 刘世伟. 冻土旁压试验与单轴试验的对比分析. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版). 2015, 45(5):1479-1485.

29.张虎, 张建明, 苏凯, 刘世伟. 高温-高含冰量冻土原位旁压蠕变试验研究. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版). 2013, 43(6):1950-1957.

30.张虎, 张建明, 苏凯, 刘世伟. 冻土原位旁压蠕变试验粘弹性模型分析.土木建筑与环境工程. 2013, 35(6):23-29.

2. 实用新型

1. 一种用于测量冻土区地层变形的装置. 专利号:ZL 2014 2 0019591.2 发明人: 张虎, 张建明, 阮国锋, 张致龙, 柴明堂. 授权时间:2014.7.23

2. 一种在加压条件下制备饱和土样的装置. 专利号:ZL 2017 2 0345976.1, 发明人:张虎,周攀峰,张泽,张中琼,授权时间:2018.1.12


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